CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 1
CU Amiga Magazine CD-ROM Special Edition (1995)(EMAP Images)(GB)[Issue 1995-11].iso
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prlink v0.8.0 -- a data transfer system for Commodore 8-bit computers
and a 386 clone running Linux
Release date: 10th May, 1995
Copyright © 1994, 1995 Marko Mäkelä and Olaf Seibert
Original Linux and Commodore 64/128/Vic-20 version by Marko Mäkelä
Ported to the PET and the Amiga series by Olaf Seibert
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
This document describes the first public release of our prlink utility,
a program package that lets you to copy memory blocks to and from the
memory of a Commodore 8-bit computer. The document is very clumsy right
now, so feel free to write a better version and send it to us if you like
this program. :-)
Currently daemons are available for the Commodore PET series, the Vic-20,
C64 and C128 computers, and there are compilation options that support the
Commodore REU, even simultaneously with an Action Replay cartridge installed,
and some internal memory expansions on the C64 and the C128.
The client programs are written so that they should compile on MS-DOS
fairly easily. The programs are written for Linux, and there are machine
language versions of the transfer routines for i386 compatible processors.
The software also compiles on the Amiga, and the Amiga transfer routines
are written in 68000 machine language.
The idea of the transfer utility package is that a daemon runs on the
Commodore side in an interrupt routine, without blocking the computer.
It checks if the PC wants to send any command, and executes possible
commands. There are commands for loading and saving memory blocks, for
jumping to a machine language program and for starting a BASIC program.
The latter two commands deinstall the daemon for maximum compatibility.
With the current protocol, it is be possible to make useful
applications that run on the PC, like a disk copier (with ZipCode
compression and decompression if desired), and a machine language monitor.
It is already possible to develop Commodore programs on the PC, and to
transfer them over to be tested out. Actually, this is exactly how the
prserver.asm and prsample.asm programs have been developed. I use my
the dasm assembler, ported to ANSI C by Olaf Seibert, which supports
conditional assembling and multiple source modules. It can be retrieved
from ftp.funet.fi, as /pub/cbm/programming/dasm.tar.gz.
Following client programs are available:
basic loader: This is a BASIC listing that you can type in on your C=
computer in order to bootstrap the prlink utilities. You
will only need this one if you don't have any other
possibility to transfer the prserver program to your C=
prload: Loads a Commodore-style program file to the remote computer.
prsave: Echoes the contents of a C= memory area to standard output.
prcart: Loads and starts Vic-20 cartridges. Takes its input either
from the standard input, or from files that contain the 8kB
ROM images for $A000-$BFFF and $6000-$7FFF. Patches the
Autostart code so that RESET will work, and start the transfer
daemon again.
prsample: Plays a 8-bit sample file on the remote computer, cutting
the four least significant bits off. Does not try to handle
the sampling frequency, so it's useful only for testing the
prrfile: Reads a file from C= disk to local disk.
prwfile: Writes a file from local disk to C= disk.
prdisk: Reads or writes whole C= disks to/from local files. All sizes
of drives are supported. The only requirement is that the
first track is 1 and the first sector on each track is 0. Tracks
and sectors increment up to 999.
You can find the command usage out by using the -h switch in each program.
The prload and prsave commands have a -b switch that specifies the memory
bank. Bank numbers 0 to f are for internal memory. The two lowmost bits
are for specifying the MMU mapped memory bank on a C128. In other words,
MMU mapped memory banks on the C128 are numbered from 0 to 3. On
unexpanded C128s, the banks 2 and 3 are the same than banks 0 and 1.
The bits 2 and 3 of the bank number specify the PIA mapped expanded memory
bank on a C128 or a C64. So, the 64kB banks of a C128 with 1 megabyte of
internal memory are numbered from 0 to f. On a 512kB-expanded C128, the
unique bank numbers are 0-1, 4-5, 8-9 and c-d, as there are only two MMU
banks. For instance, the banks b and 9 are the same. On a 256kB-expanded
C64, the bank numbers 0-3, 4-7, 8-b and c-f are the same, so there are 4
different banks.
Bank numbers from 10 to ff are for REU memory banks, i.e. the banks of a
512 kilobyte REU are numbered from 10 to 17.
As you can see from the prserver.asm source code, the PIA and REU expansions
are accessed through a 16kB window at $4000. There's a bug in the plain
C128 version: any data read from $0-$400 will be fetched from bank 0. The
version for the PIA expansion does not have this bug.
To compile, you need GNU C (tested with 2.5.8 and 2.6.2, any version
should do) and the dasm port made by Olaf Seibert. It can be downloaded
from ftp.funet.fi:/pub/cbm/programming/dasm.tar.gz.
The software supports several different cables. The transfer routines for
the different cables are in prtrans2.c, prtrans4.c, prtrans8.c and pramiga.c.
You will have to edit the Makefile to specify which cable (CABLEOBJ) and
default printer port to use. The latter one is not required in the
Amiga version. The Amiga version also allows the -DPRLINK88 option, which
uses a full 8-bit transfer.
Also, before compiling the prserver.prg daemon for the remote
computer, you have to edit the TARGET, RAMEXP and CABLE definitions in the
Makefile. The definitions are as follows:
definition options
---------- -------
TARGET target system, i.e. vic20, c64, c128 etc.
RAMEXP none no memory expansion installed
piaexp the PIA expansion for the C64 and the C128
reuexp Commodore RAM Expansion Unit
pet96 PET 8096/8296 expansion
CABLE prlink the default 8-bit/4-bit cable
pc64 the 4-bit/4-bit cable used by the PC64 emulator
c64net the 4-bit/2-bit cable used by 64NET
prlink88 fully 8-bit transfers with the pramiga cable
Also, you may need to change the following definitions in prserver.asm, if
using the PIA and/or REU expansions:
pia the PIA base address, e.g. $dff0
reu the REU base address, e.g. $df00
actionreuplay If you are using Action Replay and the REU
simultaneously, set this to 1.
If you have several C= computers connected to different printer ports,
probably even using different cables, you have to compile several versions
of the programs for your configuration. By default, all prlink client
programs are combined to one file, prmain, which will recognize the program
name and act accordingly. If the program is called with prload, it will
work as prload. Alternatively, you can use command line switches, like
prmain --prload, to change the operation. I have compiled two different
client program packages, prmain8 for the prlink cable, and prmain4 for the
PC64 cable. In my .cshrc, I have defined aliases like
alias prload4 'prmain4 --prload'
alias prsave4 'prmain4 --prsave'
alias prcart4 'prmain4 --prcart'
alias prrfile4 'prmain4 --prrfile'
alias prwfile4 'prmain4 --prwfile'
alias prdisk4 'prmain4 --prdisk -l ~/bin/prdisk.prg'
Actually, I should have several versions of these prdisk.prg, prrfile.prg
and prwfile.prg programs, one for each computer type. Then I should have
aliases like prdisk4c128, prdisk8vic and so on. If you have a better idea
how the prdisk, prwfile and prrfile clients should be implemented, feel free
to tell me.
The 64NET cable is supported only because of compatibility reasons, as it
is very slow. Instead, you should use either the PC64 cable or my own
cable. Here are some statistics:
Client: 486DX2/66 with 128kB cache running Linux, no processes running on
the background
Server: Commodore 128D with 1 MB internal memory and 1 MB REU
Data block: 64 kilobytes
Cable: PC64
Server type send receive
=========== ==== =======
Commodore 128 with PIA mapped memory 3,83s 4,09s
Commodore 128 with REU, using REU 4,06s 4,34s
Commodore 128 (stock) 4,98s 5,55s
Commodore 64 with PIA mapped memory 7,25s 7,72s
Commodore 64 with REU, using REU 7,55s 8,07s
Commodore 64 (stock) 8,07s 8,01s
Note that the Commodore 64 version of the server tries to use the 2 MHz
mode of the Commodore 128. Thus, on a Commodore 128 running in C64 mode,
the transfer times are about half of the rates listed above.
The PC64 cable is the cable used by the Personal C64 emulator written and
marketed in Germany by Wolfgang Lorenz <100112.220@compuserve.com>, and
has 4 data bits to both directions. If you are using or are planning to use
this emulator, then you are best off using this cable.
The prlink cable supports 8 bit data transfers from the PC to the C= side,
and 4 bits from the C= to the PC. It uses four bidirectional lines on the
And now for the cable pinouts. Note that I disclaim any warranties, so
you are using these instructions at your own risk. Do not insert the plug
to the user port the wrong way around, or you'll blow your printer port on
the PC with the 9 volt signal as I did.
The 64NET cable pinout won't be listed, as the 64NET documentation claims
that it is copyrighted. Besides, including it would be a waste of space,
as other cables allow much faster protocols. Here's the PC64 cable pinout:
PC C64 Comment
GND 25 ------ A GND Ground
D7 9 ------> B FLAG Handshake signal
ERR 15 <------ C PB0 Data from C= to PC
SEL 13 <------ D PB1 "
PE 12 <------ E PB2 "
ACK 10 <------ F PB3 "
D0 2 ------> H PB4 Data from PC to C=
D1 3 ------> J PB5 "
D2 4 ------> K PB6 "
D3 5 ------> L PB7 "
BUSY 11 <------ M PA2 Handshake signal
My prlink cable is constructed as follows:
PC C64 Comment
GND 25 ------ A GND Ground
D3 5 ------> B FLAG Handshake signal
STROBE 1 <------> C PB0 Bidirectional data lines
AUTO 14 <------> D PB1 "
INIT 16 <------> E PB2 "
SELECT 17 <------> F PB3 "
D4 6 ------> H PB4 Data from PC to C=
D5 7 ------> J PB5 "
D6 8 ------> K PB6 "
D7 9 ------> L PB7 "
BUSY 11 <------ M PA2 Handshake signal
Here is the pramiga cable, the only alternative for Amiga:
Amiga PET Comment
GND 22 ------ A GND Ground
POUT 12 ------> B CA1 Handshake signal (strobe/flag)
D0 2 <------> C PA0 Bidirectional data lines
D1 3 <------> D PA1 "
D2 4 <------> E PA2 "
D3 5 <------> F PA3 "
D4 6 ------> H PA4 Data from Amiga to PET
D5 7 ------> J PA5 "
D6 8 ------> K PA6 "
D7 9 ------> L PA7 "
BUSY 11 <------ M CB2 Handshake signal (ack)
On the PET, I chose to use CB2 even though that pin is normally
connected to a speaker. I did this because it makes the cable identical
to the 64 and VIC cable, and allows you to use a single-sided connector.
Make sure though that it does not connect the top and bottom fingers!
Note that the lower user port connections are named ABCDEFHJKMMN,
skipping G and I.
On the Amiga 1000, pin 25 is not GND so I picked 22 instead which should
be GND on all Amiga models. On the PC, all pins from 18 to 25 should be
The Amiga cable allows for two protocols: the prlink compatible 4-bit/8-bit
transfer, and a full 8-bit transfer, the option prlink88.
If you have any questions, e-mail me, Marko Mäkelä <Marko.Makela@HUT.FI>.
Questions related to the Amiga and PET versions should be directed to
Olaf Seibert <rhialto@mbfys.kun.nl>.